What are the delivery charges?

Delivery charges are fixed PAN India bases.

Who are the Logistic Partners?

Delivery is based on the Area Pin Codes; Indian Post is our Logistic Partners.

What is the estimated delivery time?

10-12 business Days.

What if customer provides wrong address?

If customer has provided wrong shipping address or shifted or relocated from the address provided, in such case refund will not be processed and customer need to place order again.

Why Cash on Delivery not offered?

As of now we don’t offer Cash on Delivery.
No refund shall be entertained if the cancellation request is received after Shipment is done.

Shipping Method

Indian registered Post (Time 10-12 Days Due to Covid-19 it’s taking more time to delivered. we are not responsible any delayed delivery.)

Indian Normal Post ( it’s taking more time to delivered and Not Fixed time to delivered. we are sorry for Say that But we cannot provide any tracking on Normal Post we are not responsible any delayed delivery or Not Delivered)